I received two ESP8266 Wifi modules in the mail yesterday. They cost a grand total of $10 and promise to make wireless interconnectivity cheap and easy with a simple serial interface. These guys got connectivity to a run-of-the-mill Wifi router at 366 meters using only the ESP8266's PCB antenna, so the performance looks good.
My plan is to connect them to a XuLA2 FPGA board running the ZPUino processor. Since the ZPUino is programmed through an Arduino IDE, I hope to be able to borrow a bunch of existing code to do my tests.
But before I can borrow code, I have to find it. So here is my current list of links for the ESP8266:
http://espressif.com/en/products/esp8266/ : Espressif is the manufacturer of the ESP8266. Their site is pretty much a bunch of marketing hoo-hah and you'll have to "contact" them for more information. Not too useful.
https://nurdspace.nl/ESP8266 : This is the homepage for a lot of ESP8266 information.
Electrodragon was one of the earlier companies to distribute ESP8266 modules. This is some documentation for their module which looks very similar to the ones I received.
http://tech.scargill.net : Peter Scargill has been pretty thorough in documenting his experiences in getting the ESP8266 up and running and delving into some of the capabilities of the chip.
https://www.zybuluo.com/kfihihc/note/31135: This is the earliest design example I have found. It uses the ESP8266 WiFi module to grab a static page from the internet.
http://rayshobby.net/?p=9734 : This is another early, complete design example. (This site seems to be up and down, so keep checking if you can't get to it.)
http://hackaday.io/project/3072/instructions : This is another complete example that uses the ESP8266 to provide the internet link for a simple web browser hosted on an Arduino.
http://www.esp8266.com/ : This is a community forum centered around the ESP8266. Everything is here, but probably best to read this stuff after going through a complete design example.
This is a list of all the Github repositories I could find with ESP8266 code.
Here's a list of all the ESP8266 tutorials I've made using the information provided from the above sources. Hopefully I've accurately distilled their knowledge into a concentrated elixir that will answer your questions on certain, specific topics:
I am trying to connect the esp 8266 to the arduino and trying to control a bulb using it. But there is a problem flashing the firmware.
Link / ReplyI made the connections according to the following link:
I also connected the GPIO0 to gnd and rst,chpd,GPIO2 to 3.3v
But there is an error in flashing the firmware . "failed to connect".
Also there is no response in the serial monitor for the AT commands. The serial monitor says "connection timeout"
Please help!!
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