Viewing posts from June, 2014
My confession: I've never owned an Arduino; I've never used an Arduino. There, I said it.
It's not that I dislike the Arduino. Some people disparage it as a "toy", but anything that helps you get your project done quicker is fine by me. I just haven't worked on anything that would benefit from it.
So it surprised me when I found out I actually had an Arduino. In fact, I had thousands of them! Let me explain. <<more...>>
Hearing talk about using schematics for FPGA design makes me feel like I'm standing at the top of a steep hill next to a toddler on a trike with loose wheel nuts. Some advice may be in order, to wit:
Get the hell off that bike! ARE YOU CRAZY!
Here's some ancient history: We used schematics back in the '80s for FPGA designs. We stuck with them through the '90s as FPGAs kept getting bigger, designs kept getting more complicated, and hardware description language (HDL) synthesizers got better and cheaper (and free!). Eventually, schematics got clubbed like a baby seal. Nobody uses 'em for anything serious, now. <<more...>>