Viewing posts from February, 2015
If you do electronics design, especially digital circuits, you'll eventually find yourself
drawing timing diagrams showing the clock, control and data waveforms.
They help you clarify the sequencing of data and control signals as they pass through your
They also serve as valuable documentation to others who might use your design later. <<more...>>
In my previous two posts, I've talked about
extending the ZPUino with custom peripherals
creating a terminal-like communication link over USB to an application running in an FPGA.
Now it's time to combine those two concepts to create a terminal link to the ZPUino over the
USB link of a XuLA board. <<more...>>
Let's face it: a lot of us buy dev boards but never get around to doing anything with them. We have the attention span of gnats. But not Roger Milne! He's been on a three-year mission to build a Z80 computer in his spare time. And he did it! Take a look at the block diagram for his home build: <<more...>>